Positive Approaches to Behaviour and Safer De-escalation | eLearning

2 modules



Course Length
135 mins


$103.00 AUD


This eLearning course is designed for frontline staff who may encounter complex behaviours in their care of service users. It has six parts and an estimated completion time of 2 hours and 15 minutes, but this will vary for each learner.


Module One | Positive Approaches to Behaviour (1h 20m)

The first three parts explore positive and proactive approaches to managing behaviours of concern based on respect for the individual and an understanding of their needs. This eLearning module maps to Maybo's certified classroom module 'Positive Approaches to Behaviour'.


Part 1  |  Risks, Rights and Responsibilities  |  30 minutes

  • Defining behaviours of concern
  • Planning to reduce risks and vulnerabilities
  • Rights and responsibilities


Part 2  |  Understanding Human Behaviour  |  30 minutes

  • Common causes of risk behaviours
  • Instinctive reactions to emotional or threatening situations
  • Potential triggers in self and others
  • Levels of escalation


Part 3  |  Positive Interactions and Choices  |  20 minutes

  • Meeting people's needs and expectations
  • Influencing positive outcomes
  • Overcoming barriers to communication


Module Two | Safer De-escalation (55m)

These parts explore de-escalation strategies to resolve a difficult situation and achieve a positive and safer outcome while maintaining personal safety. This eLearning module maps to Maybo's certified classroom module 'Safer De-escalation'.


Part 4  |  Dynamic Risk Assessment and Decision Making  |  20 minutes

  • Maybo SAFER model
  • Risk identification
  • Informed decision-making


Part 5  |  Skills Preventing Escalation |  20 minutes

  • Positive, non-aggressive approaches
  • Safer positioning and teamworking skills 
  • Strategies to defuse, calm and resolve


Part 6  |  Personal Safety and Post-incident  |  15 minutes

  • Responding to behaviours of concern
  • Heightened risk indicators
  • Exit strategies in higher-risk situations
  • Post-event impact and responsibilities


By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Maybo eLearning Certificate

Positive Approaches to Behaviour
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Safer De-escalation
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Added about 5 hours ago, by Luke
Added about 6 hours ago, by Bud
Added about 6 hours ago, by Joe
Added about 6 hours ago, by Ally
Added about 17 hours ago, by Nadia
Added about 18 hours ago, by Lei
Added 1 day ago, by Brody
Added 1 day ago, by Baylie
Added 1 day ago, by Jackson
Added 1 day ago, by Ervin

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